“Soul of the Navajo” Wall Art

2007, Glass on wood, 48” round x 1.5” deep
Sale price: $4,300
While wandering through the rooms of Smithsonian Museum’s Native American textile collection, a rug woven in Tees Nos Pos, Arizona between 1900-1920 caught my eye. When searching for the name of the weaver, I was sad to see it was unknown. I reflected on the many Native American artists and craftsman who probably lived and died in anonymity, and decided to honor the unknown artist by recreating the rectangular rug in a circle of mosaic glass. I included every tiny human imperfection seen in the original design; nothing is symmetrical and the hand of the creator is seen in every shard of the 1,500 pieces of hand cut glass. My hope is for the Navajo artist who created this stunning textile to be honored and not forgotten through my reinterpretation of their beautiful work.
Contact Artist for more information or to purchase cnewsham50@gmail.com